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Season of Aries & Taurus: What Tarot Cards Reveal About Your Financial Success This Year

Updated on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 16:03 PM IST

Dr. Kanci Sahu, a professional astrologer with Cosmofeed

Aries New Financial Year Horoscope 

If your birthday falls between March 21 and April 19, you're an Aries. People born under this astrological sign are known for being the natural leaders. They thrive on challenges and have the guts to take risks without breaking a sweat.  

Tarot Card Revelation
Let’s see what cards show for your new financial year:

For Aries, the card drawn for the new financial year is the Emperor. It's no coincidence that this card is linked with Aries, as it is the first sign of the zodiac. The Emperor card holds notions of power and authority. It signifies an important Arthurian figure, showing Aries' natural inclination towards leadership and command. 


Insights from the Tarot Card

Determined Money Moves: Aries will exhibit strong determination and decisive actions toward their financial goals this financial year. They will focus on economic independence and security. 

Leadership Roles: As an Aries, you're wired to be in control. Aries will be driven towards leadership roles and control over their financial goals. 

Things Aries needs to be aware of:

Don’t Let Yourself Loose: Cards indicate that Aries should take charge of their life and make decisions in their best interest. The cards are saying one thing clearly: trust yourself. It is a reminder to take control of your destiny and use your strength to achieve success across all domains in life. 

Know What You Want: There is a need for Aries to trust themselves and follow their path. It shows that they are willing to fight for what they want. But they need to understand what they want and what they can achieve in their life. Aries are also very passionate people who live life to the fullest. They will have a smooth run to the finish line. Aries are on the cusp of great success because of their realistic approach to reaching their goals. 

So, if you are an Aries, let your inner fire rage on and go after what you want in life. 

Taurus Financial Outlook for the New Year

If your birthday falls between April 20th and May 20th, you're a Taurus. You probably love all things beautiful and luxurious. You are drawn to finer things in life, thanks to being an Earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. 

Tarot Card Revelation

Let’s see what cards say about your upcoming financial year.
For Taurus, we have got the Hierophant. The card talks about sticking to your values and traditions, reminding you to stay grounded with your beliefs The Hierophant in your reading is a reminder to live life according to your own moral code and value system.


Insights from the Tarot Card

Hierophant for Taurus: Taurus folks are known for being wise, reliable, and practical. They're good at making decisions that make sense for them. The Hierophant card matches Taurus's qualities like loyalty and stability. It hints at new money opportunities, sources of income, or even an increment. 

Stay Smart with Money: Taurus, remember to be smart about money. You will be taking the initiative to learn more about new methods of financial investment that will bring accepted returns. There will be a need for financial discipline. Learn about new ways to invest and be careful not to rush into anything.


Things Taurus needs to be aware of:

Watch Your Wallet: Avoid making major investments and lending money quickly. And when you're doing online transactions, keep an eye out for scams. 

Be Careful with Loans: Cards say it's not a favorable time to get into any loan-related matters, so hold off if you can. Also, it's great to be generous, but make sure you're taking care of yourself financially too. 

Focus on You: By letting go or giving up negative energies like greed or unhappiness, we receive goodness back even stronger. Our prosperity depends on the cycle of giving and receiving. This is the time for Taurus to stand for themselves. Remember, choosing oneself is a necessity to be able to serve others. Make sure you're looking out for yourself and your finances. 

So, Taurus, as you step into this new financial year, remember to stay true to yourself, be smart with money, and prioritize your own well-being. With a little caution, you'll navigate the year like a pro.

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